Datactics will be exhibiting at ‘the world’s leading Data Management Conference‘ FIMA USA in Boston where data management executives – from the biggest buy and sell-side firms, to retail banks and small asset managers – dedicate two days to connect with their peers for new ideas to improve data quality, innovate with data, and deliver value to the business.
Meet with Kieran Seaward, our Head of Sales, at Booth #8 where you can see a live demo and discuss your Data Quality needs.
Created By The Data Management Community, For The Data Management Community
Financial Information Management (FIMA), launched in 2005 is the leading data management event for financial services in the US. Born as a reference data management event, FIMA has evolved over the years to cover various types of data sets to help the industry remain in compliance with regulations, while shifting toward offensive data management to deliver value to the business. The FIMA USA agenda is built in a year-round research cycle. The trusted advisory board of CDOs and data leaders from financial institutions guide and vet the programming, ensuring it meets the needs of the industry.
Each of the events hosts more than 450 guests from over 145 companies with three days content and 12+ hours of networking. Each year top data management executives share actionable strategies to help comply with regulations and enable the business to grow revenue.