Trusted data quality for policing

Ensuring the highest quality of policing data is not just an option—it's a necessity. Our cutting-edge solutions are designed to enhance the quality of policing data, streamlining the way information is collected, analyzed, and utilized.

Our Solutions

Datactics specializes in no-code, end-to-end data quality management.

Through automation, our solutions detect and correct data quality issues for police forces, saving them time, money, and enabling better decision-making.

Integration with Niche RMS

Our solutions connect easily to RMS systems, including Niche RMS, making data submissions simple. 

Crime Classification

Semantic analysis of free text for automated classification of crime data and accurate reporting.

Data Quality Management

Automated data profiling, cleansing, matching and remediation of police data. 

Data Matching

Powerful fuzzy matching of people data across multiple silos and systems for Single Customer View (SCV)

The National Data Quality Improvement Service

Datactics is responsible for the nation-wide, cloud-based data quality and matching platform for police forces, the NDQIS.

What is the NDQIS?

The NDQIS is a data quality tool created in partnership with the UK Home Office and used by police forces across England Wales for accurate crime classification and reporting.

What challenges does the NDQIS solve?

The NDQIS platform addresses challenges in crime reporting by automating the classification of crimes. It filters crimes into categories based on confidence levels, streamlining the process by reducing manual data entry and improving data accuracy.

What are the benefits of the NDQIS to police forces?

The NDQIS significantly lessens the administrative burden on officers and analysts, saving time and ensuring that statistics are reliable and valuable for policy-making and public safety efforts​.

Download the Case Study

Find out more about our work with the UK Home Office in developing the NDQIS platform and how it is helping improve data quality for police forces.

Datactics is certified plus for cyber essentials, and listed in the Crown Commercial Service as a Supplier, and on the HM Government's G-Cloud 13.

Our Services

We offer tailored data quality solutions to our customers. From data remediation to reporting, below are some of the services we offer from our team of data experts. 

Identification of Data Errors

Datactics supports forces with the identification of data issues for Critical Data Elements.

DQ Metrics

We implement DQ Metrics, rules, trends, percent compliance, total records and assurance for thematic and operational dashboarding.

Performance Reporting

We offer solutions that support Data Quality Issue Management and Performance Reporting.

Data Remediation

We help forces manage & remediate their DQ issues via reliable metrics and optional automated data correction.

Expertise from our data engineers

Whether it’s enhancing your team’s capabilities, offering training, or supplying an skilled data expert for a specific project, we’re here to help. 

People and Place Data

Datactics can support forces with data matching across name and addresses to create a Single Citizen View.


We are data agnostic, meaning our solution can be used on any data source, including record management system (RMS) and POLE data. 

Yes- many of our clients have worked with us on an initial Proof of Concept to rapidly demonstrate the value of better data quality. We work with you to define the scope, timeframe and budget, working with your stakeholders to help get up and running as soon as you’re ready.

We offer full flexibility over deployment and architecture. We deploy on premises (physical or virtual machines) or on cloud (public or private).

We offer flexible deployment options to best suit your needs. Typical deployment of our platform can be completed in 1-2 days, depending on preference. Below are three options for deployment:

  • Leave the deployment to the Datactics professional services team.
  • Choose to follow the deployment guides to deploy it yourself.
  • Choose a guided installation where Datactics professional services assist while you take the lead.

Datactics is designed to be user-friendly, supporting non-technical users while offering powerful tools for data specialists. Our no-code interface makes it easy for data admins, data engineers and business users to keep track and gain valuable insights into their data quality. 

Datactics can support a wide range of use cases within policing, particularly by enhancing the quality, accessibility, and integrity of data across various law enforcement processes. 


Download our Policing E-book

Find out more about our work within data quality for policing in our dedicated E-book by Stuart Harvey, CEO at Datactics.

Datactics E-book policing

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