Cycling for charity, challenges with data, a new role and more! – Datactics weekly round-up

round-up datactics

Action Mental Health granite challenge 

Datactics’ Runners & Riders Club racks up a total of 338 miles taking on the Action Mental Health’s DIY Granite Challenge.  

The Action Mental Health (AMH) Granite Challenge is the virtual cycling challenge which took place 4th – 11th October. This challenge is designed to challenge cyclists of all ages, abilities and goals to clock up as many kilometres as possible in the week of world mental health. 

diy granite challenge

In previous years, the challenge is a 50-mile loop around the stunning Mourne Mountains. Clearly, this was unable to happen but this didn’t stop AMH. The Runners and Riders club at Datactics including Matt Flenley, Kieran Buchanan, Dave Brown and Marcus Lamb accumulated 338 miles a week, gaining sponsorship of £175.  

There’s no doubt that long miles on the bike really helps clear the head! Even just the challenge of focusing on the next climb or taking a moment to look around you on a quiet country road does wonders for your mental wellbeing. Taking part from our separate locations helped bring us together as a team when we don’t get to see a great deal of each other, even with our office rotas in place. We would especially like to thank all those who sponsored us!  – Matt Flenley, Marketing & Partnerships Manager at Datactics 

You can support and follow this cause here

Data Quality competition answers revealed! 

Hot on the heels of the Data Management Summit Virtual last week, we announced the winner of the competition! This week we revealed the answers to the question “What’s your biggest data quality or matching challenge right now?”. 

The main recurring theme was that cooperation between business and data teams is vital for requirements to be ready and rapid to deploy. Another common theme was the sheer amount of human resource needed to fix the problems systems are surfacing. 

We revealed more challenges and common themes in the blog article we compiled this week. In this piece, we also have included quotes from the Datactics team to give a greater perspective on the realisations uncovered.  

data quality challenges

Thanks again to all those who entered, and to A-Team Group for making it easy for attendees to find the contests and submit their entries! In case you missed the keynote delivered by Kieran Seaward, Head of Sales entitled “A Data-Driven Restart”, you can check it out here

We are hiring! 

training resource

We are delighted to announce that we are hiring, for this new role only rolled-out yesterday, so we are welcoming all applications. The role of Training Resource Development Coordinator provides training resource development capability to the Datactics Client Services team. Supporting the Client Services Support Manager, the role plays an integral part in the development and customisation of training materials to meet the specific needs of Datactics customers, as well as the design and development of face-to-face and online training resources for Datactics staff and users of Datactics software. 

We place huge importance on the cohesion between all areas of the company so that we can work quickly, efficiently and deliver the best possible experience for our clients and staff. Everyone you work with has grown with the company in the same way, so will be on hand to help! This means that in time, you’ll be just as able to help others in using our tools and processes. 

If this role appeals to you, or someone you know feel free to apply here and share the role.  

Retail Banking series! 

We are delighted to be sharing our retail banking series authored by Matt Flenley. The series is split into 4 parts looking at the need to make your data governance model deliver real-world results to exploring why self-service data quality is the route to better data quality. This series unpacks the key themes of retail banking, the importance of data quality within it and why retail banking needs to get on top of their data – now more than ever. 

retail banking part 4

Our Team spotlight! 

Our Marketing team have been introducing some of the key members of the team, and shining a light on the thriving culture of working at Datactics. You may be used to reading Alex Brown’s (Our CTO) blogs across our social channels.


We thought we would sit down and chat about how he came to work in Datactics; his motivations and his passion for technology. You can read our chat with Alex here. You can also catch more of the“Our Team” series on our DataBlog

Have a great weekend! Hope you enjoyed this round-up.  

Click here for more by the author, or find us on LinkedinTwitter or Facebook for the latest news.  

You can read the last round-up here or keep an eye out for our next one!